Chester Merchants Press Release
Dear Angela,
Well, what a wonderful sun filled week it was ! I spoke with a friend this week in Antigua- it was hotter here than there. Caribbean North. Can we market that?
Hamlet is heaving with pink and green. I look out my front door at 0700
and see joggers in the latest LuLu Lemon attire gracefully cantering
down the street with designer dogs by their side.
In winter the
only people I see on the street at that hour are wearing the same gear I
saw them in the previous night at the Fo'c'sle.
Life on Queen Street is never dull.
This Week in Chester
Tomorrow, Thursday, Suzanne Grenager and Leigh Milne invite the girls to Suzanne's complimentary wine & cheese book launch at the Sadhana Center
from 5:30 to 7pm. Suzanne will read from her wild and woolly new book
"Bare Naked at the Reality Dance." What it takes to strip down and step
up to being all we can be, which Suzanne says women had better hurry up
with. RSVP @ 273-YOGA.
On Friday the Chester Market is back at the Parade Square from 2:30-5pm to fuel your fridge for the forthcoming fortnight.
Friday night SWIG is onstage at the Fo'c'sle Pub AKA "Chester's living room." A three piece celtic ensemble, SWIG will lift your kilt while you lift a brew.
Saturday afternoon activities abound:
There is a yard sale beginning at 9am for the Chester United Baptist Church at the lot across from NiLu Gym on North Street. Funds raised will support the Summer ministry. Praise the Lord and pass the peanut butter.
Stop by Cameron's Antiques on Queen Street under the Tradewinds Realty office and see Wayne's wide selection of Georgian era treasures. A delightful little shop showcasing items from people who no longer file tax returns.
Why not stop by "Light my Fire" candle studio on Duke Street. Some very interesting and intricate candles and other gems await.
Lesley's Pantry is having a "Christmas in July" sale. All things ho ho ho are 10-25% off. Fruit cake anyone?
Chester Municipal Heritage Society is hosting local artists by
showcasing their works at the newly established Train Station Gallery
from 10-4 daily.
The Teddy Bears Picnic is at Lordly Park from
11-1:30 pm. Raindate- Sunday. Organize your bear, basket and blanket and
get on down there. Games, food and fun for the whole family. A picnic, a
teddy bear scavenger hunt and much more! All ages are
welcome.(Children must be accompanied by an adult). Drop-in fee $2/
child. No Bunch, you cannot bring Bear as he is technically - not a bear.
Saturday evening the Chester Playhouse
is hosting their annual Gala from 5-7pm. The Playhouse is an integral
piece of the fabric of our community and needs your support. Come join
the fun and swill some champagne. Divine decadence with a cause.
can dance off the champagne bubbles and Peggy's hors d'oeuvres at the
Fo'c'sle Pub later that evening. Darren Arsenault, our village
favourite, is on stage at 8 pm. If you missed the Gala goodies, order up from the kitchen- the food, service and presentation is fabulous.
Sunday Shawn Hebb is back at the Fo'c'sle from 4-8 pm to sing you
through supper. Nice easy listening- you can still talk to the missus
across the table without texting.
Sunday evening at 7pm The
Chester Brass Band will be back at the Bandstand. Children are welcome
to dance on the grass. Adults may want to bring a lawn chair and an
adult beverage. |
On Monday and Wednesday the Chester Arts Centre
is holding Kate Church's highly popular Basic doll making class. Learn
to use polymer clay to create your own doll and get the basics in
pattern making so you can design and sew cloth bodies and costumes.
Bring your curiosity, style and inventiveness. Bring lunch too as this
class runs from 10 - 3 pm both days. $130 per person, with most
materials supplied.There are still a few spaces left so dial them up and
book your space.
The Arts Centre is also pleased to announce the
return of Trudi Curley's touching and emotional "Donald Curley - A
Personal View" on Monday evening- it's free.This is a
mini-retrospective of one of Chester's most fascinating artists. You
will be deeply moved by the breadth and depth of Curley's art and
Also free on Monday is Dr Erin Balodis, Naturopath at
the Sadhana Centre at 71 Duke Street from 5:30-7pm, for an information
session about Naturopathic Medicine and Health Optimization. During this
talk you will learn the principles behind Naturopathic medicine, what
types of treatments and what conditions can be treated. Erin will also
share some tips on how to further improve your health. This is an
informal evening and you will have the opportunity to ask questions as
to how Naturopathic medicine may help you. RSVP @ 273-9642
up your naturopath rehab with the Studio singers and Calgary's
Westwinds Music Society Choir for an evening of song with special guests
Laura Smith & Pat Watson at St. Stephen's Church, 64 Regent Street @
7:30 pm. Tickets $10- Students/Seniors- $5 available at Chester
Variety (Max) & Chester Pharmasave (Kim).Pat Watson can belt out a
tune ! This woman has an incredible voice.
On Tuesday at the Chester Arts Centre
Jude Caborn looks at non traditional grounds for watercolour July 24th
and 31st, 9:30 - 3:30. Some papers are new - Yupo and Terra Skin (?) -
while other papers are stretched. You will also have a chance to work
with canvas and masonite. All finished works are finished with an
acrylic sealer and made watertight so no glass is required for framing.
Some watercolour experience required. $120 / person, material list to be
Tuesday night is the kickoff for the Summer Theatre Festival of the Chester Playhouse.
Directed by Artistic Director Mary Lou Martin, with musical direction
by Scott Taylor, "Broadway Without Borders" was conceived and written by
Stuart Hiseler and Karen Myatt, who also star in this musical
production. Stuart Hiseler and Karen Myatt bring a classy cabaret
evening of great Broadway tunes interspersed with tales of two
Maritimers' adventures studying, living and working in The Big Apple.
Hilarious, slightly irreverent and sometimes heartbreaking we experience
the joys, obstacles and realities of dreaming big. |
Good seamanship is knowing how to get yourself out of a situation that a better sailor would never have gotten into in the first place.
Suzi Fraser
for the Chester Merchants Group |