This Week in Chester
month brings a new set of works created by area artists and artisans
for you to enjoy at the Train Station from 10-4pm daily. Paula Booher is
the featured artist this month.
Tonight, Wednesday, The Chester Playhouse
presents Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas featuring Jeremy Webb and
Susan Stackhouse. It is a 1954 radio drama by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas,
adapted later as a stage play. An omniscient narrator invites the
audience to listen to the dreams and innermost thoughts of the
inhabitants of a fictional small Welsh fishing village. They include Mrs
Ogmore-Pritchard, relentlessly nagging her two dead husbands; Captain
Cat, reliving his seafaring times; the two Mrs Dai Breads; Organ Morgan,
obsessed with his music; and Polly Garter, pining for her dead lover.
The curtain goes up tonight at 8pm and runs until Saturday night with a
Saturday matinée at 2 pm.
Thursday night the Art Centre
is having their Renovation Celebration dinner and auction in the
festival tent at 60 Queen Street starting at 5:30pm. View works of
children and adults from various workshops that have been held at the
Centre.Tom Connors will be dishing up a gourmet picnic and there are
some great auction items to bid on. 275-5789 to reserve your "lunch
pail." A week in Anguilla anyone?
Friday the Farmers in the Dell are back at the Train Station from 10- 2pm. Get there early or Dolly will have bought everything.
is also the kick off for the Art Centre's week long festival which runs
until next Saturday with an exhibition of "A Work in Progress," running
from 10-4pm daily. It celebrates the many achievements of the Centre
with a showing of creative works by their students, children, seniors,
past exhibitors and instructors. Participating artists include
Heather Sayeau, Chester artists Dolly Hancock, Malcolm Callaway, Dawn
Harwood-Jones, knitting wizard Lucy Neatby, as well as works from one of
the founding members, Bevers McInnes. Free admission. Also happening
on Friday is "Kids Make Art," where short ones under 12 get to
construct mini me masterpieces by weaving baskets, moulding clay,
creating a self-portrait, decorating cupcakes and much more. Face
painting, snacks and music too, as well as the biggest kid of all, Allan
Carver with his giant bubbles. Children must be accompanied by an
adult. Come rain or shine!
Friday evening is the final whine and cheese call at Amicus Gallery
from 6-8pm. How did THAT happen? Rosi Robinson will be exhibiting her
latest batiks.These are gems of the highest form. Don't miss this last
hurrah of the season. Be prompt as there will be red dots springing up
at 1800. Who else will feed you wine and hors d'oeuvres for the rest of
the season? Thank you Paula for contributing to our reputation as a
drinking town with a sailing problem.
Saturday it's the Chester Art Fair at 60 Queen Street. Free for all
from 9-3 pm, scores of artists and artisans from Chester and beyond will
be showing and selling their wares under tents large and small as well
as bright red umbrellas. Artists include jeweler Victoria Bell, ceramic
artist Alex McCurdy, Rosi Robinson, fabric artist Laurie Swim, and
painters Pat Christiansen and Collen Gallaway. Allan Carver on bubbles.
There'll also be a range of artist demonstrations as well - wood carving
with George Hoskins, rug-hooking with Sheila Barrett and Sherry
Chandler, and spinner Rosemary Landry. There'll be music from Hank
Middleton and the Collage Trio, a silent auction, and calories from
Julien's too. 275-5789 for info.
There will be a Musique Royale
performance Saturday night at St. George's Anglican Church in East River
@ 7:30pm. James Buckland with classical guitar & Karen Buckland on
piano. For tickets/ info contact Sheila @ 275-5966 or the Chester Church
office 275-3804.
Looking ahead to next week there is a "Picnic
in the Park" with the group "FOG" sponsored by GN Thermoforming. Georg
has truly made Chester a better place to live and raise your family.
Bring your dancing shoes and your Snoopy pail. |
