This Week in Chester
Thursday night is wing ding night all over the Hamlet so get to the Rope Loft or the Fo'c'sle for your winglets of choice.
This Saturday Whitehorse is on stage at the Chester Playhouse. This show is sold out but you can call and get on the wait list if you like.
Missed out on Whitehorse? Take heart. There is more entertainment for you at the Chester Legion this Saturday from 4 pm till close. The OHC is having their Harvest Jam with sing along, raffles, silents auctions, seasonal foods and lots of good cheer. All day admission is $15 or $5 for under 12. You can take in both events starting at Harvest Jam for music and dinner. The doors open at 3pm and the music starts at 4pm. Hit the Whitehorse concert at the Playhouse then head back to Harvest Jam for the cheapest drinks in town with more music and dancing and don't pay to get back in. Admission covers all day and night - or if you are just doing the Whitehorse concert, get $5 off admission to the Jam with your Playhouse ticket stub.
This is your health centre and it needs your support.
 This is one of the many auction items being offered at the OHC Harvest Jam. Yes please !
Take note, the next 2 weeks is BIG garbage week here in the 'hood. This is always a nice purging process with great dumpster diving opportunities.