Chester Merchants Press Release |

Picnic in the Park last night

I had two fireplaces burning on JULY !
Happy to see the weather is now back on track.
Nice to see the movie buzz back in town. Hollywood is filming a pilot called Sea Change. Wonderful to have Shawn Piller and his band of merry men back in the 'hood.
This Week in Chester
Ruthless! The Stage Mother of All Musicals opened last night at the Chester Playhouse.
This musical comedy will run five nights a week starting at 8pm through till July 30th, with 2pm matinee performances, July 16th, 23rd, 24th and 30th.
This show opened on Broadway last year and became a campy cult favourite in which the beautiful and talented 12-year-old Tina Denmark will do anything to be the lead in the school play.
Tonight, Wednesday, is Little Black Dress night at the Yacht Club. There will be new vendors, live music, wine tasting and hors d'oeuvres. All monies raised from silent auction will go to Junior Sailing. 902-275-3747 for further info.
The Chester Farmers' and Artisan Market are back Friday at the old Train Station from 10 - 2 pm rain or shine. Local farm vendors and artisans will be selling all the usual goodies. You should get a garlic grater from Ginger - these are a "must have" for the kitchen.
This Saturday and Sunday the Oak Island Reception Centre is open from 9-6pm. It is located just past the entrance to Atlantica Hotel in Western Shore. Har ye maties!
This Saturday at 4pm get down to the front harbour to see the "build your own boat race" in front of the Yacht Club. These creations are made of cardboard and duct tape so it will be a race to the bottom.
Union Duke, a Toronto folk quintet will be hitting the stage at the Chester Playhouse this Sunday at 8pm. These five musicians make up a band that bridges soulful indie rock with country and bluegrass. These city slickin' whipper-snappers unleash soaring vocal harmonies over heel stomping beats that set hearts and dance floors ablaze.

Chester Art Centre
Next Monday you are invited to join the Chester Garden Club and Friends of Nature for the rededication of the Mickie and Rudy Haase Winter Garden in the Cove Garden behind Nova Scotia Folk Pottery on Water Street at 6 pm. Refreshments at St Stephen's Hall to follow.
This segues into the next event there which is a meeting of the Chester Garden Club at 7 pm.
Members will show you how to fluff your flowers for the upcoming flower show "Gardens Galore." New members welcome.
Next Tuesday from 6-8pm there is "Picnic in the Park" at Lordly Park on Central Street
sponsored by Chester Auto Supplies. FOG -Four Old Guys - will be performing for your dancing pleasure. Meals for Musicians generously provided by the Stretch Diner. Free admission...Donations for the band gratefully accepted.
A shout out to The Stretch Diner for always being the first in the village to promote local events. Thanks Charlie and Natalie.
The Chester Art Centre is hosting land and seascape photography with Kas Stone - an intensive one day workshop next Monday from 9:30 am- 5:00 pm. Kas will demonstrate strategies and techniques the pros use to capture the haunting scenery along our coast.
Bring your camera gear, a lunch and a flask, appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear.
Space is still available for the rug hooking class with Sheila Barrett at the Art Centre. Perfect for beginner and intermediate hookers, create your own design and Sheila will help you transfer it onto burlap. This is a two day class next Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 am -12:30 pm.
As part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Lordly House Museum they are pleased to announce that the "Forman Hawboldt - Inventor and Entrepreneur" display is online at the Virtual Museum of Canada. Check this out. There are some great old Chester photos. |

Union Duke
1) You can't count your hair.
2) You can't wash your eyes with soap.
3) You can't breathe when your tongue is out.
Now put your tongue back in your mouth.
Have a great week !
Enjoy everything that is offered to you.
Do not regret growing older - it is a privilege denied to many.
Suzi Fraser
for the Chester Merchants Group |