This Week in Chester
things Gingerbread will be winding up this weekend in the Hamlet.
Please remember that you have until midnight Saturday, December 15th to
vote for your favourite outdoor gingerbread man display on facebook @
"Gingerbread Festival Chester,NS."
Friday night the Fo'c'sle Pub
has Late Night Lover on stage from 9 pm. The year is drawing to a close
- get the missus out for a night on the town so when she says "you
never take me anywhere" you have ammunition to get you through 2013.
Merchants are standing by on red alert for your gift requests. If you can't decide, gift certificates are always a good option.
Paula is throwing open the doors to her kiln at Amicus Gallery on Pleasant St. Bring your oven mitts and get 'em while they're hot !
Saturday is a LARGE day at the Chester Playhouse.
I have included their poster of events so won't repeat it in text.
There are some great items to bid on in the silent auction they are
holding throughout the evening. Make a point to stop by and place your
bid, sing along to carols, buy some cookies, enjoy the warmth of the
season and catch up with friends.
Sunday has the Gingerbread
Festival Finale Party at St Stephen's Hall on Regent Street from 2-4pm.
Our gingerbread giant will be there, door prizes, presentation of awards
and prizes, hot chocolate and cookies, craft decorating fun for the
short ones...another sugar soaked session. Uncle.
Below is your holiday workout routine. Pay attention.
