Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 21st, 2013 Press Release!

Chester Merchants Press Release

Chester Race Week postmortem :

No casualties. Check.
Gosling rum sales at CYC off the richter scale. Check.
Rope Loft still above water after the parade of the Penguins. Check.
Unidentified person passed out on my couch Saturday morning. Check.

A full on week of everyone looking more beautiful than even they imagined. In the words of my friend Norman, "Youth is wasted on the young."

                                                                      Yes, another successful Race Week.
This Week in Chester

Tonight, Wednesday, the Chester Playhouse is opening their final stage event of the season with "The Red Row" featuring Frank MacKay @ 8pm. The show runs until Saturday with a matinee performance at 2pm that day.
Frank enthralls the audience with his tale of growing up as the son of a hard-working miner in Stellarton back in the 1950s. His gripping narrative brings home the trials of a simpler life in rural Nova Scotia and the brotherhood that existed between the coal miners and their families.  

We have a new playmate in our sand box. "Going Coastal"  fine art and furnishings has joined us here in the Hamlet and you can find them @ 41 Queen Street in the heart of the 'hood.

Shoreham Village is hosting their annual "Swing for Shoreham" golf tournament Thursday, September 5th at the Chester Golf Club. For information and pre registration dial up Wendy @ 902-299-0909.
Friday the farmers in the dell are back at the Train Station with the bounty of the week from 10 am-2 pm. Get over there with your recycled bamboo bag and load up.

Friday night has "Late Night Lover" on stage @ 9 pm at the Fo'c'sle Pub  and "Stolen Tunes" will be on stage Saturday evening at the same time.

Saturday the Chester Municipal Heritage Society presents their Annual House and Harbour tour which starts at 10 am @ the Chester Train Station. Several houses to snoop through - for info call 275-3842.

Sunday evening the Tuesday Night Show Band  is on stage at the Chester Bandstand. Big band jazz from Halifax. Do not miss this. This is one of those ah hah moments in time that you won't forget.
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Buddy has 3 bags at the airline check in at London Heathrow. He puts them down and says to the young lady, "I'd like you to send this one to Los Angeles, that one to Hong Kong and the last one to Durban." Her face shows signs of confusion before her training takes over and she says, "I'm afraid we can't do that, sir."
"Why not? You did the last time I flew with you."

Suzi Fraser
for the Chester Merchants Group