Chester Merchants Press Release

chestnut tree's leaves are starting to fall.... Each year it's a bit
alarming as it's so early, but they are always weeks ahead of any other
(I think it's a Chestnut 'lurgi'). I take the positive view that I get
to deal with them, and then have a break before the full fall leaf
it is a sign that things are returning to a quieter pace. In my view,
September is the best month of summer - warm days, cool nights, longer
shadows and time to breathe....... More time to wander around the
village, stop and chat, shop and have a lunch out rather than sandy
sandwiches on the beach.
This Week in Chester
The good old Fo'c'sle never misses a beat with season change and continues to serve food till 10pm with live music starting at 8.30pm. On Friday 30th, 'Shawn Hebb Trio' and Saturday 31st, 'Cut, Split, & Delivered'
have you got your wood stacked and drying for the winter yet? If not,
do so pronto or there will be no snap and crackle in the hearth when the
snow flies)
Chester Harbour Yoga & Massage Therapy
invites you to fall back on the wagon and renew your health and fitness
goals this Fall. A new term of yoga classes begin September 3rd,
with five weekly classes, there is bound to be one to fit your
schedule. Did you know yoga improves poise and builds fortitude? Or come
in for a physical assessment and massage therapy with Leigh Milne RMT,
E-RYT. If you're concerned about diet and nutrition, every Friday Naturopathic Doctor Erin Balodis is in. Call 273 9642 for more information.
Don't forget to buy
the season's bounty at the CHESTER ARTISAN & FARMERS MARKET at the
Old Train Station/Visitor Information Centre on Hwy 3, North Street Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
There are only a couple more weeks before the growers pack up their
tables and peruse the heritage seed catalogues by the fireside. Now's
your chance to make all that chutney/jelly/jam that will taste like
summer all winter. While at the market, stop by the Train Station
Gallery 'Hidden Talents' exhibit - open until the 31st and visit the Oak
Island Display. For more info call the VIC at 275-4616.
Autumn is a great time
to take note of the bald patches in the garden, to break up the
'bullies', plant a tree, plonk in another perennial. Check out the stock
at Oceanview Garden Centre
and also the bras hanging in the forecourt in aid of breast cancer
awareness. They have already surpassed their target of 1000 (reports say
they are close to 1200) but if you whip yours off and add it to the
line up, right there and then, perchance another $1 will go to the
Breast Cancer Foundation and your bra will end up in Haiti, 'supporting'
those in need of support!
If your own garden flowers have faded too fast, pop into Flower, Flowers, Flowers and let Robin put a posy together for you that will make everyone convinced you have the greenest fingers in town.

Yes, just another pleasant day of yachting in the Bay.
The winds were brisk- ok - REALLY brisk, and I think a good time was had by all the competitors who didn't have to swim home.
BTW, the Lido will be closing for the season on September 2nd so if you're willing and able, take a dunk, before then, during the public swim hours: Monday to Friday Noon to 1.30 and 5 to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 9pm. After that it's Freda's Beach, your own private beach or the government wharves.
The Other One
for the Chester Merchants Group