Chester Merchants Press Release
ballots have been counted. Bunch Fraser won the "People's Choice" award
for her gingerbread birdhouse in our Annual Gingerbread House
Competition. Congratulations and thank you to ALL the entrants for such
fabulous works of art and for taking part.
Our merchants are at
their posts until last man standing December 24th. Stop in, show them
your look of desperation and they will help you and your credit card get
through the season of joy.
This Week in Chester
Wednesday, is "Subway Cookie Day" in support of Chester PRO Kids. There
are cookies for sale at two lettuce depots : Subway or Scotiabank.
Cookies are $1 each or $10 for a dozen. A portion of all food sales at
Subway go to Chester PRO Kids as well.
Amicus Gallery
is celebrating the season, or the end of it, by serving up mind blowing
eggnog on Thursday afternoon. A last minute sweater might be just the
ticket to finish off your list. Paula has lovely painted sinks as well,
but that may not be quite the Christmas gift da wife was envisioning.
50-50 Draw Program has kicked it up a notch. They are now chasing the
Ace - and you know how lucrative THAT can be ! Each of the first four
weeks' winners will receive a guaranteed minimum $1,000.00 prize.Tickets
are on sale every Thursday - Sunday at OHC "Chase the Ace" retailers. A
runaway bargain at $2.00/ ticket. |
With Christmas upon us, I would like to relay a story a friend shared with me. Here is his tale...
you know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the
authorities from time to time, often on the way home after a "social
session" with family or friends. Well, two days ago, this happened to
me. I was out for an evening with friends and had more than several
beers followed by a couple of bottles of rather nice red wine and vodka
shots. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was
slightly over the limit. That's when I did something I've never done before - I took a taxi home. Sure
enough, on the way there was a police roadblock, but since it was a
taxi they waved it by and I arrived home safely without incident. This
was a real surprise to me; I had never driven a taxi before. I don't
know where I got it, and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to
do with it."
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night.
Suzi Fraser for the Chester Merchants Group