Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18th, 2014 Press Release!

Chester Merchants Press Release

Miss Suzi has jumped ship and gone to see what the 'Nova Star' is all about. A Yarmouth-Portland return trip to enlighten and self-educate and no doubt spend time convincing everyone on board that Chester is a destination not to be missed. Tell your US friends (or any nationality come to that) that there is again an easier way to jump on and off SW Nova Scotia and we wish her, the Nova Star that is, a long, 'profitable' career (Suzi too!). As they say "The vacation begins when you step aboard' but I fear it is Suzi's only vacation in the foreseeable future so let's hope she returns......
This Week in Chester

On Wednesday June 18 at 6pm and 7.30pm the After School Program of the Chester Playhouse presents "The Emerald Surge". 15 of Chester's future award winning actors will show what they are made of and how much they have learnt from the inspiring Cynthia Myers. Tickets are $7 for adults and $3 for youth available at the door.

FRIDAY there is the weekly Farmer's Market, 10am-2pm at the Train Station. Produce and vendors increase each week now the weather is cooperating...... If you haven't tried the olive bread yet, please don't as there might not be any left for me if I'm late...... and I'm hooked on it.

Bring your voices to KARAOKE at the Chester Legion from 8:30 pm to 12:00 midnight. Members and guests over 19 years welcome. 

The same night SWIG! is playing at the Fo'c'sle 9pm onwards. Take a break from the World Cup and check everyone else in the hamlet is alive and kicking - kicking up their heels and "singing along is not only encouraged, it's expected" when SWIG! plays.

The Sadhana Centre is stretching the limits with a full slate of yoga classes this summer beginning July 1st. You can learn more about yoga, massage therapy and naturopathic medicine at our Summer Solstice Celebration Open House. Join us at The Sadhana Centre, 71 Duke St. in Chester, SATURDAY June 21st from 5 to 7:30pm for Food and Refreshment, Live Music, Yoga Demonstration, door prizes and Introduction to our team of Wellness Practitioners. Come celebrate summer and community with us. RSVP appreciated

The Chester Legion is also having their ANNUAL LOBSTER SUPPER on Saturday from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.  Enjoy lobster, potato salad, coleslaw, dessert, tea/coffee for $20.  Sponsored by:  The Masonic Clark Lodge No. 61.

Just a reminder that on MONDAY, June 23rd the BLOOD DONOR CLINIC will be at the Chester Legion from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and again from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.  For more info call 1-888-236-6283. They can't take my blood because of Mad Cow Disease (I try not to take it personally) but they will surely be grateful to have yours; it makes you feel good and the cookies and juice are free.

The view from the Golf Club is spectacular even on a cloudy evening........
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The art department of Haven have excelled when it comes to the time capsule that they recently returned for entombment along with the rest, on July 30th at the Chester Trust garden party. Please don't let their 'show off talents' put any of you others off from either purchasing one still or returning yours! White is fine...... But what else would you expect from the talented bunch?  I thought it worth a photo as they bask in their last month of daylight for 50 years........... 

The Other One
for the Chester Merchants Group