Chester Merchants Press Release

only just blown out the wick on our fireworks and now it's the 4th of
July ! My money is on someone lighting up the sky tonight. Look up, look
way up.
little man who lives inside the radio repeated all Canada Day weekend
of the "extreme heat wave, epic weather, keep an eye on granny lest she
expire in the tropical heat bomb...."
Nothing ! No heatwave. Thick fog, windy and cold.
now ... "Canicular" - definition > of or relating to the period
between early July and early September when hot weather occurs in the
northern hemisphere. Bring . It . On.
This Week in Chester
The Chester Playhouse
is kicking off their summer theatre festival tonight with "Urinetown,
the Musical." This saucy politically incorrect musical took Broadway by
storm when it opened in 2001.
The show features a huge cast of
performers of all ages from 10 to 70, predominantly from our own little
Hamlet.The production runs from tonight, Wednesday, until Saturday at
7:30 pm with a Saturday matinée at 2 pm.
The cast and crew have
worked tirelessly for the past 3 months to present this show for your
enjoyment. Get your thumb out and go see it.
Plein air artist Poppy Balser still has a few canvasses left for sale at Amicus Gallery. Stop in before it is just a water colour sea of red dots.
The Chester Heritage Society
would like to remind you of their Handicraft Shop at the Old Train
Station. The shop has local hand crafts, and pieces of antique
furniture.They have also very kindly offered to represent the businesses
in the village by displaying our brochures.
The station is open daily from 10-4pm and Sunday from 12-4pm. They are closed on Wednesdays.
exhibits include a boat building display and wrought iron works from
Nova Scotia's first female ferrier. Every Monday from 1-3pm there is a
craft circle.
Next Saturday, July 14th, is the Annual Auction and
Flea Market at the Station starting at 9am. Put that on your calendar
now as there are always some true gems to be found.
The new
exhibits at Lordly House museum on Central Street include the Tuesday
Painters and their antique lace display. Lordly House is open Tuesday
through Saturday from 10-4pm.
You are welcome to join in with help, stories, discussion and lots of laughs.
Blue Shutters
Antiques and Art Gallery is located at the entrance to Graves Island
Park in East Chester and they are now open daily from 10-4pm.
The farmers are in their dell at the market
at the Train Station this Friday from 9 -1 pm (rain or shine.) Why not
stop by the Sweet Spot Oceanside Farm booth? Melanie has gorgeous fresh
cut flowers, greens, herbs, tomatoes, garlic and a variety of other
goodies all grown with natural methods.
Everything else is available there as well: meat, fish, breads, fresh vegetables, soaps,
folk art, hooked rugs, flowers, sweet treats, take away food and more.
Friday night has Kevin Koloff on stage at the Rope Loft from 8-11 pm.
Lennon is not dead - he's at the Rope Loft. Kevin brings us back to the
60's and 70's with all the songs you know by heart. Don't miss out!
Bandstand Summer Concert Series is pleased to present "Morgan Davis,"
our own award winning blues artist on stage at 7 pm. The bright lights
of Chester await you here. Concerts may be moved or cancelled due to
weather at the discretion of the performer. For info contact Sue LeBlanc
@ 902-299-0139.
McGuire, Nancy Dunaway and Beverley McInnes are holding an event next
Monday at Tirnanog Studio, 3419 Highway 3 in East Chester from 4-7pm.
They are exhibiting 'all things rust' in addition to some items for sale
and of course nibbles and bubbly - I mean it IS Chester.
Next Tuesday the Chester Art Centre presents Jane Whitten who will teach you how to convert unwanted items into something new and useful. No husband jokes please.
Next Tuesday, July 10th, the Klunkers take the stage at ' Picnic in the Park.'
performance is sponsored by Chester Area Pharmasave. You are invited to
bring a picnic and your dancing shoes to enjoy the live music from 6 -8
pm at Lordly Park.
If you drink a fifth on the fourth, you may not go forth on the fifth.
Suzi Fraser for the Chester Merchants Group